On Wednesday (June 2nd) there was a “test-drive” of the Calgary Weir (Harvie Passage) by invited experts and the area designers.
Randy and Mark from our strategic partners, RMPC, and our repair guy & paddler extraordinaire, Mark, were among the invited experts to test the features and provide feedback to the designers and construction folk. Everyone who paddled it found the features were more exciting than anticipated. Of course, the water level was only 90 (on the low side!) so that makes the waves more retentive.
The team was testing “drop #3” and “drop #4” in the river left channel. The first two drops are not constructed yet. And, the river right channel is partially completed, but has no water flowing in it, yet.
A YouTube video with some of the highlights is below. Check it out!
It is extremely important to note that the weir area is still closed to the public. The weir itself is as deadly as ever! Plus, it is a violation of federal law to be paddling there. Oh, and there is construction going on everywhere around there!
The construction project is only half done and is scheduled to be completed in 2011. Until then, we all need to paddle vicariously through Mark, Mark and Randy!